Sunday, December 5, 2010


I am someone who loves finding out the truth, as I think many people wanna know the truth. I would love to assume that the life we all live in the United States is clean, free from less than clean acts, but in reality, this is not the case. Just as War is dirty, the ways to avoid it are not always clean either. Everyone acts with an incentive to better themselves. So when Jullian Assange and his WikiLeaks organization published another set of government documents that were classified, he provided the hidden, less than clean side to how the U.S. deals with its allies and its enemies. What he seems to forget is that it will not just be the good guys seeing these documents, it will also be the bad guys. It takes years, sometimes decades to build relationships and intelligence sources around the world, and with this act, all that effort is compromised. So whether you like it or not, Assange has not progressed the general good, he has compromised it.

Further, these documents being released to the world is not a freedom of speech act, it is a theft and should be a criminal act. Investigative journalism should not be the case where reporters with an agenda steal documents and sell them to the highest bidder. Last time I checked that is espionage, and espionage should be treated as treason, and that is why I will agree with the motion to arrest and prosecute Jullian Assanage and all those involved. As the evidence already exists of his guilt, I move to incarcerate him in federal prison for as long as any other known spy would be.

Loose lips sink ships, and in this case lives will be lost.

For more, check out this clip of Newt Gingrich and what he thinks should be done:

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