Last night President Barack Obama made possibly his last State of the Union address to the American people, that is if he does not receive reelection come this fall. In it he addressed almost every theme facing the American people, themes of military strength, immigration, education, jobs, welfare of people, outsourcing and importing, among other things. All of these with a lens of the economy. How "American is back" and how we can make the investments needed to win now and win in the future. In general I liked the speech, the last few minutes when he addressed both parties, the American people, and anyone who disagrees, if we do not act as a team, if we do not go along this long road as a unit with each other looking out for each others backs, we will not get anywhere. In essence he called upon Americans to come together. In a way asking what President John F. Kennedy posed, "ask not for what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." The Obama of election time 2008 came out more than in any other time since he assumed office. As a speaker, I can honestly say, I can't think of anyone in politics on a major level that inspires me more and leaves me proud to be an American. But, at the end of the speech I arrive at a conclusion much the same as many other Americans, show me you can do what you say. With all the accomplishments of the Obama Administration, there has been much left undone. This very point is where I was left not so much reassured in Obama's words. Listening carefully, I noticed all too often the phrase "send me a bill and I will sign it" or a call for congress to do something. Now I know the president does not have the responsibility to write, draft, refine, and pass a law, but it takes action on his part or at the very least a sense of action, but possibly the highest importance on success, demonstrate that the leader of the free world will lead the free world. Lead them to believe they can do something to make this country better. Lead them to take that action or that step, not just be told what to do. I know Obama can't do it himself, but given an embattled and failing congress the leadership it needs to do its job. It's not just Obama, speaker of the house John Boehner needs to do the same. It's these men that need to do their job as leaders and get this congress to work. It can't be the game of saying I think you should do this and now go do it. It's that I think this is the best course of action and that this is how we do it, this is how we work together, this is how we act on each of our strengths, our views, and create a bill that is not just liberally leaning or conservatively leaning, it's a bill that leans to making America better. Start doing this and the congress and the president will both have led, and both will find their success in building this country into the future. This country may have hit a speed bump, but it still has an engine and a heart no other country can match. It's time to fire up our engines and go.
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