Thursday, February 16, 2012

America Is Back

Despite our political season this year, despite all the blame being spread around, the stress of our economy, and the continuance of politicians trying to install fear into us all for a vote, Americans have shown we are not tolerating this, and we will not stand for this. Sure, we have many challenges ahead, and the road ahead is not going to be easy, but we are prepared to take that road and as Clint Eastwood proclaimed in his Chrysler sponsored Super Bowl ad, "this country doesn't go down with one punch, we get right back up, and when we do, the world will hear the roar of our engines."

That roar is beginning to rev up in America. Don't let this time of political discord and blame stop us, or even slow us down for one second. Remember who we are, and instead of touting our adversity as what we relish on, start to relish on the fact that American jobs are returning, American manufacturing companies are starting to onshore back to our soil, and that given our renewed respect around the world, we stand to have a much brighter future than one where we simply wallow on where we fall short. 

This country is a great one, and yes we have many challenges to come. But I never knew a challenge to be solved by simply complaining and being scared about it. The only way to solve a problem is to do something about it and we are starting to do something, and when we get started, there is nothing that can stop us when we are united under one common goal. 

I love this country, and even though I have strong disagreements with some candidate's positions, I love that we are able to have such disagreements. Let us just remember, those disagreements should only be made if they are to push us forward and not pull us backward into abyss. So if you are a member of the Republican or Democratic party, remember you are only just a member of that party, but that your other members and those members of a different shade of color, we are all citizens of the United States, and we are all Americans. 

Here's to a bright future ahead America. 

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