Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Republicans Need To Hurry Up

Today is Super Tuesday, and still it is expected that we will not have a solid outcome where one man will finally come out as the GOP nominee. I am not really sure how much the GOP can afford to continue to lack a solid candidate. It is far easier to make head-way against an incumbent when the people around you in your own party aren't pulling at you as well. Besides, are we really wanting to have so many sways in the favorability of a candidate?

Obama on the other hand has been organizing and getting things going at the grassroots level, relatively quietly. So much to the extent that in a recent poll he is beating each GOP candidate in Ohio and Virginia. Its time for Republicans to gather around one candidate and put their efforts into beating Obama.

Every day that the GOP does not have a nominee is just one less day that efforts could be focused on Obama. That is the reason why, its time to unify the party and nominate a candidate.




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